Jeanne and Dana, both lifelong artists from California, have spent their lives creating beauty. Their designs can be found on anything from screen print greeting cards to cast paper sculptures. When they met in the early 1980's they combined their creative geniuses to build their brand into what it is today. Jeanne passed away in 2022 but Dana carries on their legacy with the help of their family. 


Their current company, PaperAndStone, has seen massive amounts of success since the early 2000's. Jeanne's idea for this company started from taking pieces of her left over greeting cards and turning them into Paper Mache artwork. Through the years they started experimenting with a lot of products and processes, began using more natural materials such as plaster and clay as well as incorporating novel color and waterproofing techniques. Through these new processes they have created a product that is uniquely beautiful and will last a lifetime!